Imagine yourself stepping away from your daily chores and other duties. You focus on being together and to everyone. You strengthen physical, emotional, psychological health of your family. You enjoy treatments and food made with love: breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snack bars. You can lounge in pools, indulge in underwater massages, and unwind in saunas to your heart’s content. And look at the spark in your children’s eyes while they play in the playroom. DURING THE SUMMER SEASON, CHILDREN UP TO 15 YEARS OLD STAY FOR FREE! The offer is available at Medical SPA Eglės sanatorija in Druskininkai and Birštonas.
Pasirinkus specialią vasaros programą – Gydomąją programą ŠEIMADIENIAI – atvykus tėvams, seneliams ar kitiems suaugusiems asmenims su vaikais iki 15 metų (imtinai), už vaikus mokėti papildomai nieko nereikės. Pasiūlymas galioja su vaikais apsistojus nuo birželio 1 d. iki rugpjūčio 31 d.