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* Procedūra neįeina į programų sudėtį, ją įsigyti galite papildomai.

** Gydytojo konsultacijai būtina užsiregistruoti iš anksto. Klientams su sanatorinio gydymo programomis gydytojo konsultacija yra įskaičiuota į programos kainą.

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Therapeutic sauna and pool (I–IV)

Price A
Price B
120 - min.
10.00 €
19.00 €
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Therapeutic sauna and pool for children from 5 years old to 15 years old (I–IV)

Price A
Price B
120 - min.
5.00 €
10.00 €
Therapeutic sauna and pool for family (I–IV)

Price A
Price B
120 - min.
26.00 €
49.00 €
Gift coupon
Therapeutic sauna and pool (V-VII + holidays)

Price A
Price B
120 - min.
14.00 €
29.00 €
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Therapeutic sauna and pool for children from 5 years old to 15 years old. (V–VII + holidays)

Price A
Price B
120 - min.
7.00 €
15.00 €
Therapeutic sauna and pool for family (V-VII + public holidays)

Price A
Price B
120 - min.
36.00 €
74.00 €
Gift coupon
Hydrorelaxation (I-V)
Price A
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120 - min.
6.00 €
6.00 €
Hydrorelaxation (VI-VII)

Price A
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120 - min.
10.00 €
10.00 €
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Mineral pearl massage bath (without additives)

Bubble (pearl) bath is mineral water bath saturated with air bubbles. The therapeutic effects of mineral water are strengthened by lower temperature air which is jetted into the water producing the result of a light and relaxing massage. The difference in the temperatures tones the blood vessels of the skin. This effect subsequently spreads to the internal organs and central nervous system. The therapeutic thermal effects are also very important when it comes to mineral water baths as human body tends to take in heat as many as 1.5 times better when submerged in mineral water compared to freshwater. While in bubble (pearl) bath, the body is affected by temperature, chemical and mechanical factors.

Therapeutic effects: gently massages the body, improves blood circulation, stimulates metabolism, relaxes muscles, relieves backaches, joint pain and other pains, increases the organism’s reactivity and has a toning effect, reduces chronic fatigue, irritability, stress, improves mood, improves the quality of sleep.

Price A
Price B
15 - min.
11.00 €
13.00 €
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Mineral pearl bath (eucalyptus, lavender, ozone, pine, juniper, turpentine, iodine-bromine and other)

An aerated mineral water bath. Therapeutic effect of mineral water is enhanced through the infusion of lower-temperature air, providing a soothing massage-like sensation. Difference in temperature activates near-skin blood vessels; it reaches internal organs and central nervous system. Therapeutic thermal effect is highly important in mineral water baths, as the human body absorbs 1.5 times more heat in mineral water compared to fresh water. Therapeutic effects: vasodilation, improved blood circulation, pain relief, relaxation, toning, promotion of metabolism, enhancement of secretion, reduction of blood clotting, alleviation of chronic fatigue. You may infuse the mineral bath with one of the following components: eucalyptus, lavender, ozone, pine, juniper, turpentine, iodine-bromide, etc. Natural essential oils ensure even better relaxation. Mineral content of the bath is 14-45 grams per litre.

Price A
Price B
15 - min.
13.00 €
Mineral pearl bath "Sūrutis"

This treatment is done in a bathtub filled with mineral water high in sodium chloride. Special equipment is used for jetting air into the water to saturate the bath with air bubbles. Mineral content: 20-22 g/l. Mineral water temperature in the bath: 35-38 C.

Therapeutic effects: dilation of blood vessels, increased metabolism and improved secretion, decreased blood coagulation and overall body toning.


Price A
Price B
15 - min.
13.00 €
Mineral aromatherapy bath for women "Hera's Spring''

An aerated mineral water bath. Therapeutic effect of mineral water is enhanced through the infusion of lower-temperature air, providing a soothing massage-like sensation. The treatment involves a mixture of essential oils for women “Spring of Hera”. The mixture is composed of essential oils of coriander, pelargonium, clary sage, and bergamot. Therapeutic effects: vasodilation, improved blood circulation, pain relief, relaxation, toning, promotion of metabolism, enhancement of secretion, reduction of blood clotting. The effects also include anti-cellulite, promotion of liver and kidney function, muscle relaxation, skin purification, hormonal balance, menstrual cycle regulation, and control of skin sebum production. Mineral content of the bath is 14-45 grams per litre.

Price A
Price B
15 - min.
15.00 €
Mineral aromatherapy bath for men "Silk Road''

An aerated mineral water bath. Therapeutic effect of mineral water is enhanced through the infusion of lower-temperature air, providing a soothing massage-like sensation. The treatment involves a mixture of essential oils for men “Silk Road”. The mixture is composed of essential oils of amyris, rosemary, hyssop, and bergamot. Therapeutic effects: vasodilation, improved blood circulation, pain relief, relaxation, toning, promotion of metabolism, enhancement of secretion, reduction of blood clotting. The effects also include promotion of liver and kidney function, alleviation of generalized spasms, skin cleansing, hormonal balance, control of skin sebum production, reduction of blood cholesterol, promotion of wound healing. Mineral content of the bath is 14-45 grams per litre.

Price A
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15 - min.
15.00 €
Mineral whirlpool bath for hands
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15 - min.
6.00 €
7.00 €
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Mineral whirlpool foot bath
Price A
Price B
15 - min.
6.00 €
7.00 €
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Carbon Dioxide bath

The therapeutic effects of the carbon dioxide bath are caused by carbon dioxide (CO2) that gets dissolved in mineral water. During the treatment, the body is covered by CO2 bubbles that cause the skin capillaries to dilate resulting in faster blood circulation in the capillaries and a healthy rosy tint of the skin. When breathed in or taken in through the skin, CO2 affects the respiratory tract, stimulates deeper breathing and strengthens cardiac contractions. CO2 bubbles also strongly affect the mechanoreceptors present in the skin and gently massage the body. The treatment is perfect for health care, wellness and disease prevention.

Therapeutic effects: improves the cardiovascular function, improves oxygen intake for the tissues, regulates the arterial blood pressure, lowers the contraction heart rate, trains the cardiac muscles, relaxes the muscles, reduces fatigue and irritability, improves the metabolism, increases reactive capabilities of the body, improves the mood.

Price A
Price B
15 - min.
13.00 €
Buccal cavity massage with mineral water*

The treatment involves massaging the gums using mineral water. Therapeutic effects include the following: thermal, mechanical, chemical, vasodilation, improvement of blood circulation, anti-inflammatory, pain relief, bactericidal, etc. The treatment is used in patients with periodontitis and chronic inflammatory oral cavity conditions. Patients are advised to brush their teeth and abstain from eating and drinking for at least an hour before the treatment. Mineral content of water is 20 grams per litre.

Price A
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15 - min.
7.00 €
9.00 €
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Mineral mud (peat) bath

The treatment combines two natural factors: curative mud (peat) and mineral water, both of which have phy­sical, chemical and biological effects on the body. Complex reflex reactions are caused and biologically active substances affecting the entire body are formed by stimulating the sensory nerve endings in the skin. The microelements and biologically active substances present in the curative mud enter the human body through the skin to strengthen the immune system and stimulate the provision of sustenance to tissues. Various body functions are improved due to the changes that are caused by mud treatments.

Therapeutic effects: improves lymph and blood circulation in tissues and organs, improves oxygen intake, increases metabolism, reduces inflammation; alleviates pain; has antibacterial effect; reduces coagulation; stimulates skin cell regeneration; expands skin pores and removes toxins from the body; stimulates the function of endocrine glands; strengthens the immune system; positively affects the central nervous system.

Price A
Price B
15 - min.
16.00 €
Curative mud (peat) application (mud wrap)

Curative mud is naturally formed organic/ mineral colloidal compounds containing microelements and biologically active substances akin to vitamins and hormones. White mud has physical, chemical and biological effects on the body. Complex reflex reactions are caused and biologically active substances affecting the entire body are formed by stimulating the sensory nerve endings in the skin. The microelements and biologically active substances present in the curative mud enter the human body through the skin to strengthen the immune system and stimulate the provision of sustenance to tissues. Various body functions are improved due to the changes that are caused by mud treatments.

Therapeutic effects: improves lymph and blood circulation in tissues and organs, improves oxygen intake, increases metabolism, reduces inflammation, alleviates pain, has antibacterial effect, reduces coagulation, stimulates skin cell regeneration, reduces swelling, stimulates the function of endocrine glands, strengthens the immune system, positively affects the central nervous system.

Price A
Price B
20 - min.
14.00 €
Curative mud (peat) application (in bags)
Price A
Price B
15 - min.
9.00 €
White mud application (mud wrap)

White mud is an organic curative mud from current or former freshwater lakes. The curative qualities of white mud are highly valued due to their higher thermal indicators as compared to curative peat. It also contains a higher content of organic and biologically active compounds and microelements (iron, manganese, zinc, copper, chromium, cobalt, etc.). White mud has physical, chemical and biological effects on the body. Complex reflex reactions are caused and biologically active substances affecting the entire body are formed by stimulating the sensory nerve endings in the skin. The microele­ments and biologically active substances present in the curative mud enter the human body through the skin to strengthen the immune system and stimulate the provision of sustenance to tissues. Various body functions are improved due to the changes that are caused by mud treatments.

Therapeutic effects: stimulates skin cell regeneration, improves lymph and blood circulation in tissues and organs, improves oxygen intake,alleviates pain,relaxes muscles,increases metabolism,reduces inflammation,has antibacterial effect,reduces coagulation,removes toxins,reduces signs of cellulites,regulates perspiration,reduces swelling,strengthens the immune system,stimulates the function of endocrine glands,positively affects the central nervous system.

Price A
Price B
15 - min.
14.00 €
Aromatherapeutic white mud application for women (mud wrap) "Artemidė''

Essential oils used during the Artemis aromatherapy and white mud treatment for women: cypress, juniper, lemon and geranium.

White mud is an organic curative mud from current or former freshwater lakes. The curative qualities of white mud are highly valued due to their higher thermal indicators as compared to curative peat. It also contains a higher content of organic and biologically active compounds and microelements (iron, manganese, zinc, copper, chromium, cobalt, etc.). White mud has physical, chemical and biological effects on the body. Complex reflex reactions are caused and biologically active substances affecting the entire body are formed by stimulating the sensory nerve endings in the skin. The microele­ments and biologically active substances present in the curative mud enter the human body through the skin to strengthen the immune system and stimulate the provision of sustenance to tissues. Various body functions are improved due to the changes that are caused by mud treatments. Essential oils used during the Artemis aromatherapy and white mud treatment for women: cypress, juniper, lemon and geranium.

Therapeutic effects: stimulates skin cell regeneration,improves lymph and blood circulation in tissues and organs,improves oxygen intake,alleviates pain,relaxes muscles,increases metabolism,reduces inflammation,has antibacterial effect,reduces coagulation,removes toxins,reduces signs of cellulites,regulates perspiration,reduces swelling,strengthens the immune system,stimulates the function of endocrine glands,positively affects the central nervous system.

Price A
Price B
15 - min.
16.00 €
Aromatherapeutic white mud application for men (mud wrap) "Adonis"

Essential oils used during the Adonis aromatherapy and white mud treatment for men: cedar, cypress, coriander, juniper.

White mud is an organic curative mud from current or former freshwater lakes. The curative qualities of white mud are highly valued due to their higher thermal indicators as compared to curative peat. It also contains a higher content of organic and biologically active compounds and microelements (iron, manganese, zinc, copper, chromium, cobalt, etc.). White mud has physical, chemical and biological effects on the body. Complex reflex reactions are caused and biologically active substances affecting the entire body are formed by stimulating the sensory nerve endings in the skin. The microele­ments and biologically active substances present in the curative mud enter the human body through the skin to strengthen the immune system and stimulate the provision of sustenance to tissues. Various body functions are improved due to the changes that are caused by mud treatments. 

Therapeutic effects: stimulates skin cell regeneration,improves lymph and blood circulation in tissues and organs,improves oxygen intake,alleviates pain,relaxes muscles,increases metabolism,reduces inflammation,has antibacterial effect,reduces coagulation,removes toxins,reduces signs of cellulites,regulates perspiration,reduces swelling,strengthens the immune system,stimulates the function of endocrine glands,positively affects the central nervous system.

Price A
Price B
15 - min.
16.00 €
Fangoparaffin application*

It is a unique treatment method using heat. Fangoparaffin is the mixture of sediment of volcanic origin, in other words, sea clay, and paraffin which is known for its excellent thermal conductivity and the ability to retain the heat for a long time. Thermal, mechanical and chemical factors of fangoparaffin are responsible for the healing effect. The sediment of volcanic origin is rich with minerals and microelements. Treatment with fangoparaffin applications is applied in the cases of the joint, spinal, peripheral nervous system (neuropathy, radiculitis, neuritis) diseases, in cases of muscle and tendon inflammation, after various motor-support mechanism traumas (bone fractures, tendon strain) in the sub-chronic and chronic period, in cases of contractures.

Healing effect: reduces pain and inflammation processes, relaxes muscles, reduces muscle tension and spasms, improves circulatory activities and metabolism processes, improves the elasticity of muscle fibre and scars, improves joint mobility, contributes to the healing process of tissues, strengthens the immune system of the body and has a soothing effect, helps reduce tension and stress.

Price A
Price B
15 - min.
11.00 €
Paraffin bath for hands*

The treatment utilizes medical paraffin, renowned for its exceptional thermoinsulatory properties of high heat retention and gradual transfer to tissues. The treatment is performed on palm and elbow area. It improves tissue blood circulation, promotes metabolism, inhibits inflammatory processes, promotes tissue regeneration, moisturises skin, reduces joint stiffness, improves their mobility, and relaxes tense muscles.

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15 - min.
12.00 €
15.00 €
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Our specialists aim to provide more than just gentle strokes; they target and address underlying issues in your body, such as tense areas that require relaxation. It is a treatment and illness prevention method where various body surfaces are massaged manually. The sensation of liberation enveloping the body speaks volumes on its own.

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15 - min.
20.00 €
24.00 €
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Underwater massage

Underwater massage is a treatment during which the body is submerged in water and massaged by an intense water jet. The water jet generates pulsing vibration which penetrates deep into the body effectively massaging all layers of muscle and deep tissue.

Therapeutic effects: relaxes the muscles,relieves pain,improves blood and lymph circulation,increases metabolism in the soft tissues,improves muscular performance,activates of the secretion and exchange of synovial fluid,improves spinal and joint mobility.

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20 - min.
23.00 €
Lymphatic drainage massage using the "LymphaMat" device

It is a pleasant, effective and reliable tool, instilling a sense of overcoming all constraints. The treatment aims at the compression of specific body points and promoting blood circulation. Lymphatic drainage induces a sensation of rhytmic, light, and undulating massage. It also helps reduce muscle pain, alleviates leg fatigue, heavy sensation, promotes blood circulation, can be used against cellulitis or to restore strength following various injury.

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15 - min.
18.00 €
Massage using the "Wellsystem Medical Plus" device
Price A
Price B
20 - min.
18.00 €
22.00 €
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Massage using the "Aquatizer QZ-40" device

Warm water jets inside Aquatizer QZ-40 Water Massage Bed offer whole body massage or focus on specific areas. During treatment, the body does not contact with water but is massaged with water jets which provide a floating sensation. The treatment helps relax, reduce muscle tension, improve blood circulation and metabolism.

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20 - min.
18.00 €
22.00 €
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Individual physiotherapy*

Therapist’s undivided attention to you and your health. During treatment, the patient is given an individual regimen of physical therapy exercise based on their health condition and complaints, leading to quick and effective recovery.

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30 - min.
18.00 €
22.00 €
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Individual physiotherapy using the "Redcord" equipment*

Redcord is a unique exercise system of ropes and slings. The exercise strengthens muscle, relieves pain, and improves physical form. During treatment with Redcord, the body or some of its parts are suspended on slings, thus creating an environment of controlled instability and zero-gravity. It relieves, stretches, and strengthens muscles, increases joint motion range. The treatment is highly effective for easing neck and back pain.

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30 - min.
21.00 €
25.00 €
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Individual physiotherapy in water*
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30 - min.
20.00 €
Individual occupational therapy*
Price A
Price B
30 - min.
18.00 €
22.00 €
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Individual occupational therapy using the "Rapael Smart Board" equipment*
Price A
Price B
30 - min.
18.00 €
22.00 €
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Physiotherapy in a group in the hall

Physiotherapy in a gym improves mobility, strengthens muscle, and general body function. The treatment takes place in a gym where the therapist shows and, if needed, helps along the special exercise plan with regard to capabilities of the rest of the group. After mastering the exercise with the therapist, the exercise should be done at home.

Price A
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30 - min.
6.00 €
7.00 €
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Physiotherapy in a group in water

Physiotherapy in Water is a treatment where a group of patients exercises in a pool. Exercise in water reduces the impact on joints, making this type of exercise easier for those who find it painful to exercise in a gym. Exercise in water strengthens muscle, improves motion, coordination, and body stability. Water pressure also helps reduce joint stress and improves blood circulation.

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30 - min.
7.00 €
8.00 €
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Physiotherapy in a group in the vertical bath

During treatment, in a pool with a deep centre, people perform spine and joint stretching exercises by the outer wall of the pool, on special platforms, and then with rings and trapezoids. Exercise in warm fresh mineral water pool strengthens and better relieves muscle, improves metabolism, blood circulation, general well-being.

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30 - min.
12.00 €
Kinesitherapy with a passive flexion device*
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15 - min.
8.00 €
10.00 €
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60 - min.
10.00 €
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Cryotherapy in cold chamber*

Is a treatment that involves exposing a person to extremely low temperature in a cold chamber. The whole body is exposed to sub-zero temperatures from -100 °C to -140 °C for a short period of time. Liquid nitrogen gas prevents the body from freezing. The frost in the cold chamber is dry, therefore the cold can only be felt in the superfi cial layer of the skin. Cryotherapy reduces acute and chronic pain, slows down the inflammatory processes, stimulates blood circulati on, strengthens the immune system, reduces anxiety, improves the mood and the quality of sleep, and stimulates the regenerative processes and the synthesis of collagen.

Price A
Price B
2 - min.
18.00 €
Local cryotherapy with machine (1 area)*

It is a physical therapy based on a freezing temperature effect on a human body. Cryotherapy machine is used to apply cold temperature on a specific area of the body. Spot cooling of tissue reduces their oxygen demand and slows down the metabolic rate. Cold exposure triggers a chain reaction in body heat regulation systems. Several hours following cold exposure, blood vessels near the skin’s surface dilate when the blood flow increases. Cold exposure relieves, reduces muscle tonus and alleviates pain, improves joint mobility. Spot cooling of focal inflammation effectively hinders microorganism activity.

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3-6 - min.
8.00 €
Magnetic therapy using the "MultiMag"device

It is a physical therapy method that uses magneti c fi elds to treat a certain part of the body or the enti re body. The MULTIMAG device used in the magnet therapy enables simultaneous eff ects of a constant, variable, pulsati le, running, moving in space or low-frequency magneti c fi eld on the human body, matching it with the main biorhythms. The MULTIMAG treatment may be adapted to each person individually, depending on personal health issues. The magnet therapy reduces infl ammati on and pain, improves blood circulati on, increases the metabolism and is eff ecti ve for pati ents with dysfuncti on of the locomotor and support apparatus, neurological, cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointesti nal, urogenital and endocrine diseases.

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20 - min.
18.00 €
Magnetic therapy using “Magneto Stym” device

It is an effective treatment method for urinary incontinence and other pelvic dysfunctions. The magnetic field is used to stimulate the pelvic floor muscles and promote contracti on. This type of therapy does not cause discomfort for the patient because the patient can be fully dressed and comfortably sitting in the MAGNETO STYM chair at the time of magnetic stimulation. The magnetic stimulation of the pelvic floor results in strengthened pelvic floor muscles with increased endurance.

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20 - min.
15.00 €
MLS M6 laser therapy*
Price A
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15 - min.
18.00 €
Pulse wave compression therapy using the "Steando" device

is the only technology in the world stimulati g natural production of nitric oxide (NO) in vascular cells at the state of rest. The device radiates high-frequency mechanical impulses (at the rate of 800 per minute) which are synchronized with the resti ng phase of the heart. Therefore, the body does not experience any additi onal load or stress. The so-called “youth molecule” (NO) is released during the therapy, which enters into the blood fl ow and relaxes the smooth muscles of the blood vessels, reduces vascular
tone, improves blood circulati on, aff ects the small blood vessels and slows down the aging processes. The pulsedwave compression therapy is recommended for pati ents with cardiac, peripheral vascular diseases and metabolic diseases, such as diabetes mellitus and its complicati ons. Since the producti on of NO is reduced with aging and the risk of developing cardiovascular disease increases, the pulse compression therapy is also recommended for preventi on of such illnesses.

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20 - min.
18.00 €
Spinal traction system using the "Tesi Comfortrac Duo" device*

It is an innovative physical therapy equipment designed for stretching exercises of the cervical and lumbar spine. Four factors or their combination may be involved in the treatment using this device: constant or pulsed spinal stretch, thermal effects, vibration and back massage. The TESI Comfortrac Duo spinal traction system reduces the pressure on the intervertebral discs, improves blood and lymph circulation, relieves muscle spasms and pain, and helps to relax. Spinal traction system may be effectively used in the treatment of spinal degenerative diseases, herniation of intervertebral discs, spinal muscle tension and muscle spasms.

Price A
Price B
25 - min.
18.00 €
Balance assessment using the "Technobody MF" device*
Price A
Price B
30 - min.
20.00 €
24.00 €
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Physiotherapy using the "Technobody MF" device*
Price A
Price B
20 - min.
15.00 €
18.00 €
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Gait assessment using the "Zebris" device*

It is a computerized test for gait and stance assessment using innovative methods based on biomechanical research and diagnostics. It is designed for detailed analysis of walking technique and style, capturing the changes that may elicit pain and cause various injuries. During the study, the device measures and records the load on the surface of the foot, foot tilt, degree and other parameters at the time of foot movement and standing still. The parameters are then analysed and certain exercises are recommended to adjust the gait and posture and reduce the risk of injuries. ZEBRIS gait assessment and training system is especially suitable for athletes who seek to avoid injuries and improve their results. The ZEBRIS device is also recommended to individuals experiencing pain in the back, hips, knees and feet, to those with neurological diseases, locomotor and support
dysfuncti on, in preparation for surgery, and for evaluation of patient’s functional state before and after physical therapy and rehabilitation.

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20 - min.
25.00 €
30.00 €
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Torso muscle testing using the "Centaur" device*
Price A
Price B
40 - min.
28.00 €
34.00 €
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Physiotherapy using the "Centaur" device*
Price A
Price B
20 - min.
23.00 €
28.00 €
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Physical capability assessment monitoring system using the "XRCISE Care"*
Price A
Price B
30 - min.
25.00 €
Velotraining with monitoring system "XRCISE Care"*
Price A
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30 - min.
20.00 €
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Electrical stimulation (analgesic, muscle) (1 field)

Electrostimulation is the stimulation of tissue and organ activity. It also helps to relieve pain via electrical impulses that are similar to natural ones. There are two main kinds of electrostimulation: functional electrical stimulation (FES) or transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) designed for pain relief.

Functional electrical stimulation (FES) stimulates the nerve fibers of motor neurons resulting in the contraction of a respective muscle.

Therapeutic effects of FES: increases blood circulation in the muscles, increases the metabolism and intake of nutrients in the muscles, increases muscle strength, tonicity and stamina

Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) affects the nerve fibers carrying sensory information. The result is pain management by blocking the sense of pain.

Therapeutic effects of TENS: increases blood circulation in tissues and organs, increases the metabolism and intake of nutrients in the tissues, alleviates pain, reduces inflammation, reduces swelling of nerve tissues.

Price A
Price B
15 - min.
7.00 €
Electrostimulation, massage, thermotherapy using "Stima Well" device

It is a unique back treatment and strengthening system, which utilizes modulated currents to stimulate deep tissues. Such electric impulse stimulation can be compared to exercise or massage, but, unlike these, the impulses reach and stimulate deep muscle layers, which are not accessible through manual pressing. The treatment alleviates back pain, relaxes and strengthens muscle.

Price A
Price B
20 - min.
15.00 €
Electric stimulation using the "Ives" device*
Price A
Price B
15 - min.
10.00 €
Magnet therapy

In magnetic therapy, the body is exposed to direct or alternating magnetic field of differing frequency and intensity. In other words, it is a therapeutic or preventive use of magnetic field impulses. The magnetic field may vary in frequency and intensity. The main outcome of the magnetic field is improved blood circulation and metabolic rate. Magnetic therapy also reduces chronic pain, swelling, inflammation, blood pressure, promotes bone healing. The therapy is usually applied in patients with musculoskeletal system disorders or injury or to improve function of nervous system or blood circulation, but it may be used to treat various illnesses and in preventive care. Application range is very wide.

Price A
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20 - min.
9.00 €
Ultrasound Therapy using the “Media Sono” device

It is a treatment using high-frequency mechanical oscillations, which induce compression and extension of affected tissues. Waves generated by specialized equipment penetrate tissues through the skin as in micro-massage. The treatment reduces inflammatory processes and pain, promotes blood circulation, nutrition in tissue, reduces muscle tension, improves joint mobility, reduces tissue swelling, promotes their regeneration, and reduces sensitivity of an injured area.

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Price B
5 - min.
8.00 €
Compression therapy using the "Bio Arterial Plus" equipment
Price A
Price B
20 - min.
12.00 €
Light therapy “Hydrosun”
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Price B
10 - min.
8.00 €
10.00 €
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Polarized light therapy using the „Bioptron“ device (1 area)

The therapy involves a beam of polarized light comprised of visible spectrum and infrared rays. The light emitted by Bioptron biostimulates the skin cells and affects the light-sensitive inner structure and molecules of the cells. In turn, this process induces chain reactions in the cells and causes the so called secondary reactions that affect both the treated skin area and the entire body.

Therapeutic effects: alleviates pains, reduces inflammatory processes, improves blood circulation and intake of nutrients in the tissues, increases the metabolism, accelerates wound healing, reduces muscle spasms, strengthens the immune system, improves mental and emotional condition

Price A
Price B
10 - min.
6.00 €
Microwave therapy (1 area)

Применение электромагнитных волн дециметрового диапазона в лечебных целях.

Лечебный эффект:оказывает противовоспалительное,сосудорасширяющее действие,стимулируетсинтез клеточных ферментов и выработку гормонов, стимулирует обмен веществ.

Price A
Price B
10 - min.
8.00 €
Dry Carbon Dioxide bath
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Price B
30 - min.
10.00 €
12.00 €
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Dry Carbon Dioxide bath with oxygen therapy
Price A
Price B
30 - min.
15.00 €
18.00 €
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Treatment with Carbon Dioxide gas using the "INCO2" device*
Price A
Price B
10 - min.
20.00 €
24.00 €
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Oxygen therapy
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Price B
20 - min.
10.00 €
12.00 €
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Shockwave therapy for cellulite treatment using the "SchockMaster 500" device (1 area)*
It is a highly-effective method to fight against undesirable signs of cellulitis. Shockwave therapy is applied in pain-free treatment of cellulitis, removal of stretch marks, weight loss, skin firming, and effective subcutaneous fat removal.  The treatment improves metabolism and blood circulation. All this package improves body contours, ensures better well-being, and boosts confidence!
Price A
Price B
15 - min.
30.00 €
36.00 €
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Oxygen-herbal tea cocktail

The treatment combines two natural factors: the oxygen and organic chemical compounds found in medicinal herbs. The imbibed oxygenated herbal tea passes through the mouth and esophagus into the stomach. The capillaries in the upper gastrointestinal tract help to pass the oxygen into the blood. Part of the medicinal agents contained in the tea are assimilated in the duodenum. A small shot of the oxygen cocktail is equal to a long walk in fresh air.

Therapeutic effects (depending on the type of herbal tea): soothes or stimulates, improves the mood and overall well-being, balances out the vegetative nervous system, relaxes tense muscles, improves sleep quality, reduces inflammatory processes, alleviates pain.

Price A
Price B
6 - min.
5.00 €
6.00 €
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Inhalation with mineral water

Inhalation therapy involves the use of aerosol preparations containing biologically active substances for both therapeutic and preventive purposes. Aerosol is a colloid of liquid droplets of pharmaceuticals in air, which enter the respiratory tract and the bronchioles during the treatment.

The Medical Spa uses the following substances in inhalation therapy:
 sea buckthorn and citral mixture, menthol, white spirit and eucalyptus mixture, water extract of propolis, mineral water.

Therapeutic effects: improves the beating motion of the cilia of respiratory epithelium, liquefies bronchial secretions, relieves coughing, reduces increased tonus and swelling of the bronchial walls, reduces inflammation of the upper and lower respiratory tract mucosa, reduces coughing and breathlessness, has antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal effects (depending on the used mixture)

Price A
Price B
6 - min.
6.00 €
7.00 €
Gift coupon
Inhalation with bee pitch

Propolis inhalation may help upon an early onset of symptoms or as a preventive therapy. Aerosol is used during the treatment, which is a system consisting of fine liquid medicinal particles suspended in the air, which enter the respiratory tract and reach the small bronchi, thus reducing cough and shortness of breath, facilitating expectoration, decreasing the inflammatory response of the upper and lower respiratory mucosa, and speeding up recovery. Propolis is rich in natural anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory components that can alleviate symptoms of respiratory tract disorders.

Price A
Price B
6 - min.
6.00 €
7.00 €
Gift coupon
Halotherapy (salt chamber)

It is a non-medical treatment by artificially creating the micro-climate of salt mines with steady temperature and relative humidity. During the procedure, the spray of sodium chloride (edible salt) is used which more than 80 % of its particles are smaller than 5μ. During the procedure, these particles penetrate the respiratory tract and reach the tiniest bronchus.

Therapeutic effect: reduces cough and dyspnoea, improves the movements of bronchus ciliated epithelium, thins the respiratory secretion, has the effect of expectorants, reduces the increased tone of the bronchial walls and swelling, reduces inflammation processes in the upper and lower mucosa of the respiratory tract, and has an anti-bacterial effect.

Price A
Price B
30 - min.
10.00 €
12.00 €
Gift coupon
Halotherapy (salt chamber for children)

It is a non-medical treatment by artificially creating the micro-climate of salt mines with steady temperature and relative humidity. During the procedure, the spray of sodium chloride (edible salt) is used which more than 80 % of its particles are smaller than 5μ. During the procedure, these particles penetrate the respiratory tract and reach the tiniest bronchus.

Therapeutic effect: reduces cough and dyspnoea, improves the movements of bronchus ciliated epithelium, thins the respiratory secretion, has the effect of expectorants, reduces the increased tone of the bronchial walls and swelling, reduces inflammation processes in the upper and lower mucosa of the respiratory tract, and has an anti-bacterial effect.

Price A
Price B
20 - min.
5.00 €
6.00 €
Dead Sea Climate Therapy

Halotherapy is a type of treatment involving use of very fine dry mist intended for breathing. The mist is derived from premium quality Dead Sea salt solution. When sprayed in the room, it enriches the air with negative ions and oxygen. While you rest in such a room, the fine particles of salt mist enter your body through your lungs and skin giving a refreshing and stimulating effect.

Therapeutic effects: cleans the respiratory tract, alleviates inflammation, improves oxygen intake and oxygen level in your blood, helps in the treatment of allergies, bronchitis and asthma, strengthens the immune system, improves the skin structure, reduces stress and fatigue, improves the metabolism.

Price A
Price B
30 - min.
10.00 €
12.00 €
Gift coupon
Price A
Price B
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Doctor appointment
Price A
Price B
10 - min.
20.00 €
20.00 €
Physiotherapist’s appointment (only for guests staying in the medical SPA)*
Price A
Price B
15 - min.
20.00 €
20.00 €
Kinesio taping (adhesive elastic tape) (taping of 1 joint or area) (only for guests staying in the medical SPA)*
Price A
Price B
20 - min.
10.00 €
10.00 €
Gift coupon
Occupational therapist’s consultation (only for guests staying in the medical SPA)*
Price A
Price B
15 - min.
15.00 €
15.00 €
Logotherapist consultation (only for guests staying in the medical SPA)*
Price A
Price B
30 - min.
15.00 €
15.00 €
Psychologist consultation (only for guests staying in the medical SPA)*
Price A
Price B
60 - min.
35.00 €
35.00 €
Psychotherapist consultation (only for guests staying in the medical SPA)*
Price A
Price B
60 - min.
35.00 €
35.00 €
Group psychotherapy (education, creative therapy, meditation and other) (only for guests staying in the medical SPA)*
Price A
Price B
60 - min.
10.00 €
10.00 €
Consultation of a dermatologist and examination of skin formations with a dermoscope (only for guests accommodated in the medical SPA)*
Price A
Price B
10 - min.
20.00 €
20.00 €
Removal of skin lesions (papillomas, warts, hemangiomas, keratoses, capillaries, callus) using a diathermocoagulation device (only for guests staying in the medical SPA)*
Price A
Price B
- min.
35.00 €
35.00 €
Ultrasound examination of abdominal organs (liver, gall bladder and ducts, pancreas, spleen, kidneys, urinary bladder) (only for guests staying in the medical SPA)*
Price A
Price B
30 - min.
30.00 €
30.00 €
Gynecologist-obstetrician consultation (only for guests staying in the medical SPA)*
Price A
Price B
- min.
25.00 €
25.00 €
Gynecologist-obstetrician consultation and ultrasound examination of women's small pelvis (only for guests staying in the medical SPA)*
Price A
Price B
- min.
45.00 €
45.00 €
Gynecologist-obstetrician consultation and breast ultrasound examination (only for guests staying in the medical SPA)*
Price A
Price B
- min.
45.00 €
45.00 €
Pulmonologist consultation (only for guests staying in the medical SPA)*
Price A
Price B
20 - min.
25.00 €
25.00 €
Spirometry (pulmonary function test) (only for guests staying in the medical SPA)*
Price A
Price B
10 - min.
20.00 €
20.00 €
Cardiologist's appointment (including 12-lead electrocardiogram) (only for guests staying in the medical SPA)*
Price A
Price B
- min.
25.00 €
25.00 €
Cardiologist's appointment and cardiac ultrasound (only for guests accommodated in the medical SPA)*
Price A
Price B
- min.
50.00 €
50.00 €
12-lead electrocardiogram (only for guests staying in the medical SPA)*
Price A
Price B
- min.
7.00 €
7.00 €
Ultrasound examination of the heart (only for guests staying in the medical SPA)*
Price A
Price B
- min.
35.00 €
35.00 €
Ultrasound examination of the thyroid gland (only for guests staying in the medical SPA)*
Price A
Price B
- min.
25.00 €
25.00 €
Ultrasound examination of neck vessels (only for guests staying in the medical SPA)*
Price A
Price B
- min.
35.00 €
35.00 €
Ultrasound examination of muscles and skeleton (only for guests staying in the medical SPA)*
Price A
Price B
- min.
30.00 €
30.00 €
Body composition analysis using the analyzer "MC-780 MAS" (only for guests staying in the medical SPA)*
Price A
Price B
- min.
10.00 €
10.00 €
Price A
Price B
Audiovisual relaxation

Audi-visual relaxation is a treatment which affects seeing and hearing through the use of various wellcoordinated visual and auditory signals. High-definition nature photos are shown in combination with soothing music or sounds of nature. All these elements affect the central nervous system by activating thealfa, theta and delta brainwaves helping to achieve deep relaxation.

Therapeutic effects: improves the mood and overall well-being, improves focus, balances out brain activity, increases creative potential, improves sleep quality, slows down the heart rate, decreases arterial blood pressure, relaxes tense muscles, accelerates healing processes

Price A
Price B
30 - min.
9.00 €
11.00 €
Gift coupon
Audiovisual relaxation using "Alpha-Stim" device

Audi-visual relaxation is a treatment which affects seeing and hearing through the use of various wellcoordinated visual and auditory signals. High-definition nature photos are shown in combination with soothing music or sounds of nature. All these elements affect the central nervous system by activating thealfa, theta and delta brainwaves helping to achieve deep relaxation.

Therapeutic effects: improves the mood and overall well-being, improves focus, balances out brain activity, increases creative potential, improves sleep quality, slows down the heart rate, decreases arterial blood pressure, relaxes tense muscles, accelerates healing processes.

Price A
Price B
30 - min.
9.00 €

Aromatherapy is the use of essential and natural oils in prevention and treatment of diseases. Aromatherapy involves the use of essential oils (agents with strong effect on human body) extracted from a variety of aromatic plants (orange blossoms, tea trees, thyme, juniper, lavender, mint, chamomile, etc.) via fractional distillation. These are concentrated, biologically active and volatile phyto-organic compounds. The effects of
the treatment are further enhanced by activating the senses of smelling (essential oil mixes), seeing (colorful lighting) and hearing (particular music)

The Medical Spa offers four different kinds of aromatherapeutic mixes: intended to strengthen the immune system, intended to soothe.

Therapeutic effects: has antibacterial and antiviral properties, reduces inflammatory processes, facilitates breathing, relaxes tense muscles, alleviates pain, soothes or stimulates (depending on the kind of essential oils), balances out the vegetative nervous system, strengthens the immune system, gives a mood boost and improves overall well-being, improves sleep quality, slows down the heart rate, decreases arterial blood pressure.

Price A
Price B
30 - min.
9.00 €
Price A
Price B
Massage of the neck and shoulder area

It is a treatment aimed at alleviating stress and improving blood circulation in shoulder and neck region. Masseuse or masseur perform a variety of hand techniques like effleurage, friction, compression, vibration, etc., to alleviate muscle tension and induce relaxation. In massage therapy, surface muscles and deep muscles are worked on. Massage therapy is great for people experiencing neck and shoulder pain, fatigue, and stress due to sedentary work posture or other factors.

Price A
Price B
15 - min.
20.00 €
Mineral whirlpool bath for hands
Price A
Price B
15 - min.
6.00 €
Buccal cavity massage with mineral water*

The treatment involves massaging the gums using mineral water. Therapeutic effects include the following: thermal, mechanical, chemical, vasodilation, improvement of blood circulation, anti-inflammatory, pain relief, bactericidal, etc. The treatment is used in patients with periodontitis and chronic inflammatory oral cavity conditions. Patients are advised to brush their teeth and abstain from eating and drinking for at least an hour before the treatment. Mineral content of water is 20 grams per litre.

Price A
Price B
15 - min.
7.00 €
Treatment using the polarized light "Bioptron" device

The treatment uses a special generated hyperpolarized light.  The process is non-invasive and is used to promote regeneration, reduce inflammation, and promote blood circulation. During treatment, the light is aimed at a specific body area or skin surface.  The treatment is used in patients experiencing neuropathy, diverse injuries, neck, shoulder, back pains, to heal post-surgical wounds, burns, joint conditions of diverse origins, head pains, among others.

Price A
Price B
10 - min.
6.00 €
Halotherapy (salt chamber)

It is a non-medical treatment by artificially creating the micro-climate of salt mines with steady temperature and relative humidity. During the procedure, the spray of sodium chloride (edible salt) is used which more than 80 % of its particles are smaller than 5μ. During the procedure, these particles penetrate the respiratory tract and reach the tiniest bronchus.

Therapeutic effect: reduces cough and dyspnoea, improves the movements of bronchus ciliated epithelium, thins the respiratory secretion, has the effect of expectorants, reduces the increased tone of the bronchial walls and swelling, reduces inflammation processes in the upper and lower mucosa of the respiratory tract, and has an anti-bacterial effect.

Price A
Price B
30 - min.
10.00 €
Audiovisual relaxation

Audi-visual relaxation is a treatment which affects seeing and hearing through the use of various wellcoordinated visual and auditory signals. High-definition nature photos are shown in combination with soothing music or sounds of nature. All these elements affect the central nervous system by activating thealfa, theta and delta brainwaves helping to achieve deep relaxation.

Therapeutic effects: improves the mood and overall well-being, improves focus, balances out brain activity, increases creative potential, improves sleep quality, slows down the heart rate, decreases arterial blood pressure, relaxes tense muscles, accelerates healing processes.

Price A
Price B
30 - min.
9.00 €
Dead Sea Climate Therapy

Halotherapy is a type of treatment involving use of very fine dry mist intended for breathing. The mist is derived from premium quality Dead Sea salt solution. When sprayed in the room, it enriches the air with negative ions and oxygen. While you rest in such a room, the fine particles of salt mist enter your body through your lungs and skin giving a refreshing and stimulating effect.

Therapeutic effects: cleans the respiratory tract, alleviates inflammation, improves oxygen intake and oxygen level in your blood, helps in the treatment of allergies, bronchitis and asthma, strengthens the immune system, improves the skin structure, reduces stress and fatigue, improves the metabolism.

Price A
Price B
30 - min.
10.00 €
Price A
Price B
Intramuscular drug delivery*

Price A
Price B
- min.
3.00 €
Intravenous administration of drugs*
Price A
Price B
- min.
4.00 €
Infusion of drugs into a vein*
Price A
Price B
- min.
5.00 €
Dressing the wound*
Price A
Price B
- min.
5.00 €
Price A
Price B
Price A
Price B
Complete blood count
Price A
Price B
- min.
7.00 €
7.00 €
Prothrombin time test
Price A
Price B
- min.
7.00 €
7.00 €
Price A
Price B
- min.
7.00 €
7.00 €
Blood group and rhesus factor (on a plane)
Price A
Price B
- min.
6.00 €
6.00 €
Price A
Price B
Determination of total cholesterol levels
Price A
Price B
- min.
4.00 €
4.00 €
Lipidogram (CHOL, HDL, LDL, triglycerides calculated, not HDL cholesterol)
Price A
Price B
- min.
11.00 €
11.00 €
Determination of glucose concentration in serum
Price A
Price B
- min.
5.00 €
5.00 €
Determination of glucose concentration in plasma
Price A
Price B
- min.
5.00 €
5.00 €
Determination of glycosylated haemoglobin
Price A
Price B
- min.
10.00 €
10.00 €
Determination of C-reactive protein levels
Price A
Price B
- min.
10.00 €
10.00 €
Analysis of total bilirubin
Price A
Price B
- min.
5.00 €
5.00 €
Determination of aspartate aminotransferase activity
Price A
Price B
- min.
5.00 €
5.00 €
Determination of alanine aminotransferase activity
Price A
Price B
- min.
5.00 €
5.00 €
Determination of gamma glutamyl transferase activity
Price A
Price B
- min.
5.00 €
5.00 €
Determination of alkaline phosphatase activity
Price A
Price B
- min.
5.00 €
5.00 €
Determination of alpha-amylase activity
Price A
Price B
- min.
6.00 €
6.00 €
Uric acid test
Price A
Price B
- min.
5.00 €
5.00 €
Determination of urea concentration
Price A
Price B
- min.
4.00 €
4.00 €
Determination of creatinine concentration
Price A
Price B
- min.
4.00 €
4.00 €
Determination of zinc concentration
Price A
Price B
- - min.
10.00 €
10.00 €
Determination of vitamin B12 levels
Price A
Price B
- min.
26.00 €
26.00 €
Determination of vitamin D concentration
Price A
Price B
- min.
20.00 €
20.00 €
Determination of potassium concentration
Price A
Price B
- min.
5.00 €
5.00 €
Determination of sodium concentration
Price A
Price B
- min.
5.00 €
5.00 €
Price A
Price B
- min.
5.00 €
5.00 €
Determination of magnesium concentration
Price A
Price B
- min.
6.00 €
6.00 €
Determination of phosphorus concentration
Price A
Price B
- min.
5.00 €
5.00 €
Determination of iron concentration
Price A
Price B
- min.
5.00 €
5.00 €
Determination of folic acid concentration
Price A
Price B
- min.
26.00 €
26.00 €
Determination of ferritin concentration
Price A
Price B
- min.
12.00 €
12.00 €
Determination of transferrin concentration
Price A
Price B
- min.
12.00 €
12.00 €
Price A
Price B
- min.
32.00 €
32.00 €
Price A
Price B
Determination of the concentration of the cancer marker CA 125
Price A
Price B
- min.
11.00 €
11.00 €
Determination of the concentration of the cancer marker CA 15-3
Price A
Price B
- min.
11.00 €
11.00 €
Determination of carcinoembryonic antigen concentration
Price A
Price B
- min.
11.00 €
11.00 €
Determination of free prostate-specific antigen concentration
Price A
Price B
- min.
10.00 €
10.00 €
Price A
Price B
Determination of thyrotropin levels
Price A
Price B
- min.
8.00 €
8.00 €
Determination of free thyroxine concentration
Price A
Price B
- min.
9.00 €
9.00 €
Price A
Price B
- min.
17.00 €
17.00 €
Determination of free triiodothyronine concentration
Price A
Price B
- min.
8.00 €
8.00 €
Determination of thyroid peroxidase antibody levels
Price A
Price B
- min.
10.00 €
10.00 €
Price A
Price B
Detection of IgG antibodies to Borreliosis (Lyme disease) by immunoassay
Price A
Price B
- min.
10.00 €
10.00 €
Detection of IgM antibodies to Borreliosis (Lyme disease) by immunoassay
Price A
Price B
- min.
10.00 €
10.00 €
IgG antibodies against Borrelia spp. (Lyme disease) by WesternBlot method
Price A
Price B
- min.
35.00 €
35.00 €
IgM antibodies against Borrelia spp. (Lyme disease) by WesternBlot method
Price A
Price B
- min.
35.00 €
35.00 €
Detection of IgG antibodies to tick-borne encephalitis by immunoassay
Price A
Price B
- min.
10.00 €
10.00 €
Detection of IgM antibodies to tick-borne encephalitis by immunoassay
Price A
Price B
- min.
10.00 €
10.00 €
IgM Antibodies against SARS-CoV-2
Price A
Price B
- min.
32.00 €
32.00 €
Price A
Price B
Cervical cytology (PAP) test
Price A
Price B
- min.
13.00 €
13.00 €
Cervical cytology (PAP) test (liquid-based)
Price A
Price B
- min.
32.00 €
32.00 €
DNA of HPV genotypes (16,18) (by PCR)
Price A
Price B
- min.
57.00 €
57.00 €
DNA of HPV high-risk 14 genotypes (16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59, 66, 68) (by PCR) (liquid medium)
Price A
Price B
- min.
78.00 €
78.00 €
Price A
Price B
Price A
Price B
Relaxing back and leg massage Amber MINI

The treatment involves the use of amber powder and amber acid-enriched oil. The massage involves the use of warm amber and sand bags.

Price A
Price B
30 - min.
45.00 €
Gift coupon
Relaxing body massage Amber

The treatment involves the use of amber powder and amber acid-enriched oil. The massage involves the use of warm amber and sand bags.

Price A
Price B
60 - min.
69.00 €
Gift coupon
Body treatment for children aged 7–12 Little Amber

Relaxing back, arm, and leg massage. The treatment involves the use of amber powder and amber acid-enriched oil. The massage involves the use of warm amber and sand bags.

Price A
Price B
30 - min.
30.00 €
Gift coupon
Exfoliation body treatment Jūratė

Body exfoliation with an aromatic cocoa butter and oil mixture, enriched with amber and sea salt crystals.

Price A
Price B
45 - min.
50.00 €
Gift coupon
Exfoliation body treatment Kastytis

Body exfoliation with an aromatic cocoa butter and oil mixture, enriched with amber and sea salt crystals.

Price A
Price B
45 - min.
50.00 €
Gift coupon
Strong back and feet massage Hot Ambers

Tailored intensive back massage applying various massage techniques and accompanied by a feet massage. The treatment involves the use of amber powder and amber acid-enriched oil. The massage involves the use of hot amber and sand bags.

Price A
Price B
45 - min.
60.00 €
Gift coupon
Amber SPA saunas

Infra-red ray amber sauna, steam sauna, autonomous body exfoliation, circulatory shower.

Price A
Price B
60 - min.
18.00 €
Gift coupon
Price A
Price B
Facial SPA ritual Amber's Charm

Relaxing palm and feet massage, face preparation and exfoliation, shoulder line and décolleté massage with the use of amber bundles, facial massage and mask.

Price A
Price B
75 - min.
79.00 €
Gift coupon
Facial skin treatment Beam of Light

The products used are tailored to skin type and desired results. Face preparation and exfoliation, shoulder line and décolleté massage, facial massage and mask.

Price A
Price B
60 - min.
65.00 €
Gift coupon
Facial skin treatment with non-invasive carboxytherapy Depth of the Amber

The treatment can be used on all skin types. Steps: face preparation and exfoliation, non-invasive facial and décolleté carboxytherapy, soothing mask, arm massage, massaging in of cream and serum.

Price A
Price B
60 - min.
75.00 €
Gift coupon
Facial skin treatment with non-invasive carboxytherapy The Blue Amber Freshness

The treatment is to be used on young or very sensitive facial skin. Steps: face preparation and exfoliation, non-invasive facial carboxytherapy, soothing mask, arm massage, massaging in of facial cream.

Price A
Price B
45 - min.
65.00 €
Gift coupon
Price A
Price B
MAXI ritual Fulfilment

Infra-red light and steam sauna, autonomous body exfoliation, circulatory shower, relaxing full-body massage, facial mask and light facial massage. The massage involves the use of amber powder and amber acid-enriched oil. The massage involves the use of warm amber and sand bags.

Price A
Price B
135 - min.
85.00 €
Gift coupon
Ritual + MINI non-invasive carboxytherapy

Infra-red light and steam sauna, autonomous body exfoliation, circulatory shower, relaxing full-body massage and non-invasive facial carboxytherapy. The massage involves the use of amber powder and amber acid-enriched oil. The massage involves the use of warm amber and sand bags.

Price A
Price B
135 - min.
99.00 €
Gift coupon
Price A
Price B
Price A
Price B
Intensive moisturizing and firming treatment with ampoules “Shower of ampoules”
Preparation and exfoliation of facial skin, massaging with active concentrates, face
mask, relaxation while enjoying a cup of herbal tea. 
Price A
Price B
45 - min.
69.00 €
Gift coupon
Firming Anti-Wrinkle Treatment “Brilliance of youth”

Preparation and exfoliation of facial skin, massage with firming concentrate, face massage, face mask, hand massage, massage with face cream, relaxation while enjoying a cup of herbal tea.

Price A
Price B
60 - min.
69.00 €
Gift coupon
Calming face treatment “Gust of calmess”

Preparation and exfoliation of facial skin, massage with anti-superfluous concentrate, collagen face mask, hand massage, massage with facial cream, relaxation while enjoying a cup of herbal tea.

Price A
Price B
60 - min.
75.00 €
Gift coupon
Moisturizing facial skin treatment “Morning freshness”

Preparation and exfoliation of facial skin, massage with moisturizing concentrate, face massage, face mask, hand massage, massage with face cream, relaxation while enjoying a cup of herbal tea.

Price A
Price B
60 - min.
75.00 €
Gift coupon
Intensively rejuvenating and firming facial skin treatment “Beauty goddess”
The treatment is suitable for anyone who wants an effective skin-lifting effect. The HSR LIFTING line of cosmetic products targets all types of wrinkles and slows the formation of new ones by inhibiting collagen breakdown. The treatment improves skin firmness and elasticity and gives a radiant glow. 
Treatment: preparation and exfoliation of the skin, application of firming concentrate, facial massage, two face masks, final stage, and relaxation with herbal tea.
Price A
Price B
60 - min.
79.00 €
Gift coupon
Rejuvenating facial treatment with retinol SKIN RENEW

Treat your facial skin! The treatment will help reduce wrinkles and pores, improve the overall condition of your skin, and brighten pigmentation spots. The treatment includes luxurious cosmeceutical products from Doctor BABOR, which contain active ingredients such as fruit acids and three different forms of retinol.

Treatment routine: make-up removal, exfoliation with fruit acids, active serum massage, facial massage, face mask, facial cream massage, rest with herbal tea.

Price A
Price B
60 - min.
89.00 €
Gift coupon
Ultrasound cleansing of facial skin “Glowing skin”

Preparation, exfoliation and swelling of facial skin, skin cleansing with ultrasonic trowel, massage with serum, face mask, hand massage, massage with face cream, relaxation while enjoying a cup of herbal tea.

Price A
Price B
60 - min.
69.00 €
Gift coupon
Price A
Price B
Youth: facial rejuvenation

Unique and luxurious facial rejuvenation with astonishing results taking off years of your face: your skin will be smoother, silkier and softer. The treatment relies upon biotechnological sea products with plankton and green-winged orchid extract. Massage oil is used for the original rejuvenating massage developed by the French osteopathic physician P. Molto. Such a massage treats the skin on three levels: improves blood circulation and oxygen intake, strengthens muscle tone and increases tissue elasticity, smooths down the wrinkles and has a relaxing effect. The facial mask stimulates the synthesis of collagen, hyaluronan and elastin while green-winged orchid extract acts as an antioxidant. XMF PIONNIERE facial cream and VRM wrinkle filler give the skin a sense of freshness. Experience an instant wrinkle smoothing effect making your face softer and brighter. 

Course of the treatment: face skin preparation, facial scrub and moisturizing treatment, facial massage, facial mask, arm massage, complimentary tea.

Price A
Price B
75 - min.
85.00 €
Gift coupon
Vitamin C: brightening and pigmentation-reducing facial

Vitamin C facial treatment combines the effects of white water lily and vitamin C to nourish tired and pigmented face skin worn out by sunbathing and tanning.

Therapeutic effects: the treatment makes your skin gleam, reduces and prevents pigmentation, smooths out the color of the skin and helps control melanin production.

Course of the treatment: relaxing back massage, self-heating mud mask for the back, face skin preparation, facial scrub and moisturizing treatment, facial massage, facial mask, arm massage, complimentary tea.

Price A
Price B
75 - min.
85.00 €
Gift coupon
Ocean: moisturizing facial

Moisturizing is key to retain beautiful face skin. It helps to keep the skin firm, elastic, smooth and younger-looking. It also slows down the formation of wrinkles and prevents aging. To look youthful and delicate the skin must be properly moisturized. The OCEAN treatment will pamper your face with gentle papaya enzyme scrub and moisturizing facial mask of the Laminaria genus of brown algae to moisturize, nourish and replenish even exceedingly dry and tired skin.

Course of the treatment: face skin preparation, facial scrub, massage, relaxing and moisturizing facial mask, moisturizing cream and serum application, self-heating mud mask for the back, hand massage.

Price A
Price B
75 - min.
79.00 €
Gift coupon
Purity: facial cleansing

Grant your skin the sensation of true purity! The Purity facial cleansing is intended for oily, combination, sensitive skin and skin requiring intense care. The treatment regulates the function of sebaceous glands, reduces sebum secretion and pore size, moisturizes the skin and has an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect.

Course of the treatment: face skin preparation, facial scrub and moisturizing treatment, facial massage, facial mask, relaxing back massage, self-heating mud mask for the back, arm massage, complimentary tea.

Price A
Price B
75 - min.
79.00 €
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Softness: soothing facial

Pamper and sooth your sensitive skin! Gentle cleansing and massage stimulate microcirculation and ensure better intake of oxygen by skin cells. The mask gives a heavenly feeling by soothing and softening irritated and flushed skin, improving its structure, strengthening capillary walls, rejuvenating and gently relaxing.

Course of the treatment: face skin preparation, facial scrub and moisturizing treatment, facial massage, facial mask, relaxing back massage, self-heating mud mask for the back, arm massage, complimentary tea.

Price A
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75 - min.
79.00 €
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Moisturizing and firming Cyfolia Organic Face and Forehead Care

​CYFOLIA ORGANIC is a line of cosmetic products made from Cyfolia, organic algae that help to restore the skin’s moisture, giving it radiance and plumpness. The 98% natural composition of the cosmetic products and the 100% natural fragrances make the treatment suitable for vegans and pregnant women. 

Treatment: preparation and exfoliation of the skin, massage of the face and eye area, face mask, hand massage, application of face cream, relaxation with herbal tea. 
Price A
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60 - min.
69.00 €
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Kobido Japanese facial massage

Kobido is an art of wellness and beauty with its origins taking back to the times of the Japanese samurai. The treatment covers the area of shoulders, upper chest, neck, face and head resulting in deep relaxation for both your face and entire body as well as improvement of the emotional balance. Gentle and smooth movements are combined with sharp motions to warm and tone the muscles, activate blood and lymph circulation, induce the removal of toxins from the skin and recover its elasticity, well balanced moisture, tonicity and healthy glow. Facial rejuvenation and skin toning effects are evident. Cherish your beauty and do not let the youth fade away from your face!

Treatment: preparation of the face, neck, chest, massage, relaxation with herbal tea.

Price A
Price B
60 - min.
69.00 €
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Anti-aging facial massage

This is a unique treatment that combines several methods and techniques of facial massage and a wide range of massaging motions. This treatment is never the same due to the myriads of possible combinations. The massage is intended to greatly affect all the main body systems, i.e. the nervous system, blood and lymph circulation, and the muscles.

Therapeutic effects: the smile lines and tense deep muscles are effectively relaxed, drainage of excess fluids is improved, the face shape is corrected and face contours are restored. This facial is a pleasant and extremely effective way to slow down the aging process, resulting in complete relaxation and inner calm, improved quality of sleep and brighter and smoother face skin. The treatment relaxes the muscles of the face, neck and shoulders. 

Course of the treatment: face preparation, massage, massage with cream, complimentary tea.

Price A
Price B
60 - min.
69.00 €
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Myoplastic facial massage

Want to look younger without surgery? This myoplastic facial massage is based on the copyrighted deep tissue massage technique designed to restore facial features and rejuvenate tissues via intense stimulation. The massage boosts the intake of oxygen and nutrients by the deep tissues as well as stimulates blood and lymph circulation in the adipose tissues. Myoplastic facial massage promotes restoration of muscle tissues, blood vessels, collagen and elastin and improves the intake of oxygen by skin cells. Have this facial done on a regular basis and enjoy milder tissue swelling and much more elastic, firmer and brighter skin.

Course of the treatment: face skin preparation, myoplastic massage of face, neck, shoulder and upper chest areas, cream application, complimentary tea.

Price A
Price B
45 - min.
59.00 €
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Facial massage

Face is the reflection of our health and emotions. Stress and tension are immediately manifested in the form of tired grayish skin and wrinkles. If you know what we mean, then facial massage is a perfect choice for you! The massage covers face, neck and shoulder and upper chest areas.

Therapeutic effects: facial massage has a relaxing effect, improves circulation and the flow of lymph fluid, removes toxins, relieves muscle tension, activates energy points, reduces age wrinkles and expression lines and improves emotional and physical health. 

Treatment: preparation of the skin, massage of the face, neck and chest, application of cream, relaxation with herbal tea.

Price A
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30 - min.
45.00 €
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Rejuvenating and moisture restoring facial procedure “Nectar of Youth”

The treatment intensively firms and moisturises the skin, leaving it feeling refreshed and visibly rejuvenated.

Treatment: preparation and exfoliation of the skin, application of firming concentrate, facial massage with mask, application of face cream, relaxation with herbal tea. 

Price A
Price B
45 - min.
59.00 €
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Rivulet: moisturizing facial

Moisturizing soak for dehydrated and overly dry face skin. Quick and long-acting facial treatment moisturizing and nourishing the skin, making it plump, radiant and soft and giving it a shine and sense of comfort.

Course of treatment: face skin preparation, facial scrub and moisturizing treatment, facial massage, two facial masks, relaxing back massage, self-heating mud mask for the back, hand massage, complimentary tea.

Price A
Price B
75 - min.
79.00 €
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Key to Youth: facial rejuvenation

This facial rejuvenation treatment with algae stem cells tones the skin and smoothes out the wrinkles. Experience its amazing double rejuvenation effect: less wrinkles and more firmness. The treatment will make the consequences of the passing time disappear and will help you to feel and look much younger. 

Course of the treatment: face skin preparation, facial scrub and moisturizing treatment, facial massage, facial mask, relaxing back massage, self-heating mud mask for the back, arm massage, complimentary tea.

Price A
Price B
75 - min.
85.00 €
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Relief: detoxifying facial

People are frequently bothered by fatigued, pale and radiance lacking skin. The treatment is suitable for oily or combination skin exhibiting loss of pallor and radiance and is recommended for those who lead a hectic lifestyle, experience stress or smoke.

Therapeutic effects: detoxified, oxidized and cleaned skin, radiant and matte look, smaller pores and regulated secretion of sebum.

Course of treatment: face skin preparation, facial scrub and moisturizing treatment, facial massage, two facial masks, arm massage, complimentary tea.

Price A
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75 - min.
79.00 €
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Scent of Lavender Spa

This holistic approach-based SPA envelops in the soothing waves of the ocean, calming your body and soul and granting you vitality. Oligomer® sea salt (freeze-dried seawater) body scrub tones and firms the body, and nourishes the skin with minerals. The relaxing full body massage is performed with steam-heated bags called boluses that are filled with sea salt and lavender buds. A luxurious moisturizing lotion is also massaged into the skin. The heat relaxes the body, lavender buds have a soothing effect, sea salt nourishes the skin with necessary minerals and the lotion deeply moisturizes and restores the hydrolipidic film coating the skin. This spa ritual also includes a quick facial: the face skin is cleansed and scrubbed, a moisturizing facial mask is applied and the cream is rubbed in using massage motions. The skin becomes well moisturized, soft, firm, radiant and as fresh as the morning dew.

Course of the treatment: face skin preparation, facial scrub, moisturizing facial mask, sea salt body scrub, hot bolus massage, massage with moisturizing body lotion, complimentary tea.

Price A
Price B
90 - min.
89.00 €
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OLIGOMER Spa anti-stress treatment

The anti-stress ritual helps you relax, improves your mood and provides your body with micronutrients and minerals. The treatment uses exclusive products based on OLIGOMER‘s freeze-dried seawater, which perfectly relaxes and allows you to enjoy pleasant sensations, stimulates metabolism, removes dead skin cells, replenishes minerals, and renews and firms the skin.

Treatment: body scrub, massage with two-phase massage concentrate, relaxation with herbal tea.

Price A
Price B
90 - min.
85.00 €
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OLIGOMER Spa anti-stress treatment (without body scrub)

An anti-stress body massage helps you relax, improves your mood and provides your body with micronutrients and minerals. The treatment uses exclusive products based on OLIGOMER‘s freeze-dried seawater, which perfectly relaxes and allows you to enjoy pleasant sensations, stimulates metabolism and replenishes minerals.

Treatment: massage with two-phase massage concentrate, relaxation with herbal tea.

Price A
Price B
60 - min.
69.00 €
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Immerse yourself in nature! This refreshing and invigorating body treatment is infused with the aroma of the sea and the forest by combining such scents as pine and cedar along with the nourishing energy of aloe vera. The ritual begins with a full body exfoliation using a refreshing oil scrub that removes dead skin cells and revitalises the skin. Next, a relaxing soak in the copper bath and a light body massage. The treatment includes bath foam and massage lotion, which contain antibacterial, pain-relieving, and relaxing properties. The skin is left more hydrated, elastic, and radiant. Pine, and cedar essential oils together with aloe vera stimulate, restore, purify, and boost the immune system, as well as strengthen and energise the whole body.

Treatment routine: body exfoliation, relaxation in a copper bath, light full-body massage, rest with herbal tea.

Price A
Price B
75 - min.
75.00 €
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Light on Your Feet - Smile on Your Lips spa treatment

Discover the sensation of lightness on your feet and an excellent mood will follow you all day long… The Light on Your Feet – Smile on Your Lipstreatment is tailored for your legs, arms and face and involves the following: leg scrub with sea crystals removing the dead skin cells and making your skin silky, soft and smooth; leg masks (a heating mask for your feet and a cooling mask for your legs) and a massage to improve the circulation of blood and lymph fluids and to strengthen the capillary walls, detoxify the body and reduce the signs of cellulite. Hand and arm massages are performed with moisturizing cream, which helps you to relax and retain young-looking and beautiful arms. A quick facial will cleanse and soften your skin and give it a healthy glow.

Course of the treatment: leg scrub, two masks for legs, leg and arm massage, face skin preparation, facial scrub, facial mask, massage with cream, complimentary tea.

Price A
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60 - min.
75.00 €
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Silk: Moisturizing body scrub

Enjoy clean, bright and well-nourished skin! Phytomer scrub incorporates algae oils, sea salt and vitamins which make your skin soft, bright, smooth and moisturized. The treatment nourishes and softens skin and stimulates skin cell regeneration. The body scrub improves skin tonicity, stimulates blood circulation, removes dead skin cells, cleans pores, accelerates skin regeneration and increases elasticity. Enjoy the treatment and feel younger, happier and more energetic. Allow yourself a few moments of pampering and love!

Course of the treatment: body scrub with sea salt and algae oil, massage with moisturizing lotion and serum, complimentary tea.

Price A
Price B
60 - min.
69.00 €
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Firming body scrub “Bentgrass“

Treatment for perfect body lines! It uses firming, skin-smoothing body care products with rosehip stem cell extract and glaucine. The treatment improves the elasticity of the body’s skin, restores the appearance of cellulite-damaged skin, plumps, firms and defines the figure.

Treatment: body scrub, shower, massage with firming cream, relaxation with herbal tea.

Price A
Price B
60 - min.
69.00 €
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Slimming anti-cellulite body treatment “Towards perfect body”

The treatment reduces fat deposits and toxins, restores tissue elasticity and firmness, activates microcirculation, increases body temperature and drains tissues.

Treatment: slimming-firming massage of problem areas, massage with lotion, wrap with “algae jam”, shower, relaxation with herbal tea.

Price A
Price B
60 - min.
75.00 €
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Firming body treatment “Embraced by the sea”

The easy way towards perfect curves. The treatment will immerse you in the sensations of total relaxation and comfort followed by remarkable results. The marine-based Phytomer products used in the treatment help to achieve the desired results. You will witness the changes in the mirror right away: your skin will look smoother and firmer, much younger and simply gorgeous. The treatment alleviates stretch marks, reduces fat accumulation, removes freckles and toxins, effectively fights cellulite and restores the firmness and tonicity of sagged skin. Now you can have the figure you have always desired.

Treatment: body scrub, wrap with seaweed cocktail, massage with gel and firming oil, relaxation with herbal tea.

Price A
Price B
75 - min.
85.00 €
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Heady Lightness detox back procedure

The treatment relaxes and detoxifies the body and relieves muscle tension. In turn, this improves the functioning of internal organs, soothes and strengthens the vegetative nervous system and revitalizes the body. Massage restores the body, eliminates lactic acid from the muscles, alleviates fatigued muscles, improves muscle tone, tissue elasticity and joint mobility.

back preparation, scrubbing, moisturizing oil and milk, self-heating sludge application on back, head or foot massage, tea drinking ritual.

Price A
Price B
40 - min.
49.00 €
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Relaxing body massage

The massage improves circulation of blood and lymph in the body, stimulates metabolism and increases the efficiency of muscle contraction. This massage is highly recommended for people who have desk jobs and as preventative treatment of osteochondrosis, arthritis, back and neck pain, muscle and joint stiffness, spinal or joint diseases, feelings of tension, fatigue and stress. This is one of the most effective and reliable ways to get rid of troubles, relax and get a good rest in merely an hour. 

Therapeutic effects: strengthens the immune system, improves sleep, alleviates headaches, gives energy, raises the mood and improves one’s overall wellbeing.

Course of the treatment: full body massage with moisturizing and nourishing massage oil, complimentary tea.

Price A
Price B
60 - min.
65.00 €
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Hot stone massage

This massage has three different effects: mechanical–the hands and stones are used to massage the body; thermal or therapeutic–heat is used during the treatment; and energetic–the stones have the ability to store bad energy, thus cleansing the body of energetic contaminants. The heat of the basalt stones and the gentle hands of the masseur relax the muscles, relieve pain, improve blood and lymphatic circulation, strengthen the immune system, increase the body’s resistance to disease, eliminate stress, restore a sense of calm, and help to restore the harmony of the body and soul.

Treatment: body massage with stones and hands using a special aromatherapy massage oil, relaxation with herbal tea.

Price A
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60 - min.
65.00 €
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Facial treatments for teenagers (based on skin condition) with Phytomer cosmetics

Treatment: preparation and exfoliation of the skin, two face masks, hand massage, application of face cream, relaxation with herbal tea.

Price A
Price B
45 - min.
49.00 €
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Relaxing back treatment

​Treatment: preparation and exfoliation of the back, relaxing back massage, warming mud back mask, hand massage, relaxation with herbal tea.

Price A
Price B
40 - min.
40.00 €
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Moisturizing, refreshing facial skin treatment “A Fresh Whiff”

CLEANFORMANCE is an especially effective vegan series of face care products which consists of 98% natural components. The procedure intensively moisturises, recovers the balance of lipids, makes the skin, glow, freshen it, makes it smooth and plum. The main active ingredients: prebiotics (activates the synthesis of epidermis and improves the natural protective structure of skin barrier), probiotics (improves the quality of epidermis and density, accelerates skin regeneration of skin, and slows down the skin aging process), the bark extract of red maple (perfect protection from the advance skin aging caused by ambient factors, stimulates the production of collagen and synthesis of elastin, maintains the firmness and elasticity of skin).

The procedure of the treatment: preparing face skin, exfoliation, hand massage, massaging a moisturising serum, face massage with a face mask, massaging a face cream, relaxation by tasting a herbal tea.
Price A
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45 - min.
55.00 €
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A Scent of Lavender in the Summer Rain spa and steam room for couples

This holistic approach-based spa treatment will grant you delightful and romantic moments. Steam room relaxes the body and eliminates fatigue while body scrub restores the skin. The relaxing full body massage is performed with steam-heated bags called boluses that are filled with sea salt and lavender buds. A luxurious moisturizing lotion is also massaged into the skin. The heat relaxes the body, lavender buds have a soothing effect, sea salt nourishes the skin with the necessary minerals and the lotion deeply moisturizes and restores the hydrolipidic film coating the skin. During the spa ritual, a quick facial is also performed: the face skin is cleansed and scrubbed, a moisturizing facial mask is applied and a cream is rubbed in using massage motions. The skin becomes well moisturized, soft, firm, radiant and as fresh as morning dew.

Course of the treatment: heating and body scrub in steam room, facial preparation, facial scrub, moisturizing facial mask, hot bolus massage, massage with moisturizing body lotion, complimentary tea.

Price A
Price B
105 - min.
189.00 €
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“Scent of Lavender” Spa (for 2 people)

Immerse yourself in the pleasures of spa! This holistic approach-based SPA envelops in the soothing waves of the ocean, calming your body and soul and granting you vitality. Oligomer® sea salt (freeze-dried seawater) body scrub tones the body, nourishes the skin with minerals and makes it firmer. The relaxing full body massage is performed with steam-heated bags called boluses that are filled with sea salt and lavender buds. A luxurious moisturizing lotion is also massaged into the skin. During the spa ritual, a quick facial is also performed: the face skin is cleansed and scrubbed, a moisturizing facial mask is applied and a cream is rubbed in using massage motions. The skin becomes well moisturized, soft, firm, radiant and as fresh as morning dew.

Therapeutic effects: the heat relaxes the body, lavender buds have a soothing effect, sea salt nourishes the skin with the necessary minerals and the lotion deeply moisturizes and restores the hydrolipidic film coating the skin. 

Course of treatment: face skin preparation, facial scrub, moisturizing facial mask, sea salt body scrub, hot bolus massage, massage with moisturizing body lotion, complimentary tea.

Price A
Price B
90 - min.
175.00 €
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OLIGOMER Spa anti-stress treatment (for 2 people)

The anti-stress ritual helps you relax, improves your mood and provides your body with micronutrients and minerals. The treatment uses exclusive products based on OLIGOMER‘s freeze-dried seawater, which perfectly relaxes and allows you to enjoy pleasant sensations, stimulates metabolism, removes dead skin cells, replenishes minerals, and renews and firms the skin.

Treatment: body scrub, massage with two-phase massage concentrate, relaxation with herbal tea.

Price A
Price B
90 - min.
169.00 €
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Relax and experience the intoxicating pleasure of a massage and heat combination! The treatment starts in the steam room, where you will enjoy the pleasant warmth and self-exfoliate your body with a red wine scrub. The body scrub will perfectly remove dead skin cells and refresh your skin. Following the steam room, you will receive a relaxing body and face massage using a special massage lotion with the added magic of exotic oils.

Treatment routine: steam room and self-exfoliation, relaxing face and body massage: for HER – pearl massage lotion, for HIM – titanium massage lotion. Finally, rest with herbal tea.

Price A
Price B
90 - min.
149.00 €
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Hot stone massage (for 2 people)

This massage has three different effects: mechanical–the hands and stones are used to massage the body; thermal or therapeutic–heat is used during the treatment; and energetic–the stones have the ability to store bad energy, thus cleansing the body of energetic contaminants. The heat of the basalt stones and the gentle hands of the masseur relax the muscles, relieve pain, improve blood and lymphatic circulation, strengthen the immune system, increase the body’s resistance to disease, eliminate stress, restore a sense of calm, and help to restore the harmony of the body and soul.

Treatment: body massage with stones and hands using a special aromatherapy massage oil, relaxation with herbal tea.

Price A
Price B
60 - min.
129.00 €
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Relaxing body massage (for 2 people)

The massage improves circulation of blood and lymph fluid in the body, stimulates metabolism and increases the efficiency of muscle contraction. The massage is highly recommended for people who have desk jobs and as preventative treatment of osteochondrosis, arthritis, back and neck pain, muscle and joint stiffness, spinal or joint diseases, feelings of tension, fatigue and stress. This is one of the most effective and reliable methods of getting rid of all your troubles, relaxing and getting a good rest in an hour.

Therapeutic effects: strengthens the immune system, improves sleep, alleviates headaches, grants energy, raises the mood and improves one’s overall wellbeing.

Course of treatment: full body massage with moisturizing and nourishing massage oil, complimentary tea.

Price A
Price B
60 - min.
129.00 €
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Face scrub and mask
Price A
Price B
30 - min.
39.00 €
Body scrub
Price A
Price B
30 - min.
39.00 €
Scalp massage
Price A
Price B
15 - min.
19.00 €
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